Copyright & Terms of Use

All materials, including but not limited to logos, drawings, images, articles, downloads, and content on are copyrights owned by Clever Cactus, unless otherwise noted. Images shared on our social media accounts or available on this site may only be used to share the content on this site or our social media accounts. Other uses are prohibited.

Other product and company names mentioned on our website may be the intellectual property of their respective owners. When that is the case, we will provide the appropriate attribution.

All ideas and downloads are for your personal use only. Tips, advice, downloads, products – everything on this site is intended for your private use. It is NOT intended for resale or re-distribution, unless first authorized by Clever Cactus.

If you wish to use Clever Cactus content for any other use, please contact us to request permission. (We reserve the right to say “no”.)

Sharing Clever Cactus Content: Terms of Use

We want everyone to stay organized and achieve their goals. That’s why we encourage you to share links to our articles, products, and social media posts. We ask that when you share our content, you credit us and link directly to our content and not a third-party site.

As mentioned above, we also ask that when you share information about our “downloads” products, you link to our shop and not the PDF file.

Republishing posts partially, in their entirety or hosting our PDF files on your site is prohibited.

Clever Cactus Downloads: Copyright & Terms of Use

Please read the following before saving and printing your Clever Cactus downloads.

Our downloads are provided for the price as listed in our shop. We do our best to keep the cost down so that you can stay organized and accomplish your goals even if you’re on a budget.

Here’s what you may do with your Clever Cactus download:
  • Save the file(s) to your computers and print them as you need them.
  • Print and hang it in your kitchen for your family’s use.
  • Print and place it in your office’s common space for your colleagues and yourself.
  • Save it to your computer, fill it out digitally and share that specific file on your office or home network.
  • Direct people to the download’s Clever Cactus Shop page when sharing with others outside your family or office.
  • Give proper credit to Clever Cactus when blogging or posting to social media about our downloads.

By downloading any files or print outs, you accept that they are for personal use only.

Clever Cactus downloads are for non-commercial use only. You may not sell them or redistribute these or any other Clever Cactus products. When you purchase a product from, you are purchasing 1 (one) user license.

Here’s what you CANNOT do with your Clever Cactus download:
  • Share the pdf file.
  • Link directly to the pdf file.
  • Email PDF files to other people.
  • Alter the files in any way. (This includes screenshots of the pdfs.)
  • Store them on your website or other services in any format (This includes hosting them on facebook, dropbox and other file sharing or hosting sites.)
  • Seek to use these to drive traffic to your site or sell them in any way.
  • Sell or distribute the downloads to others (includes the digital file and/or print outs).

All downloads are the copyright property of Clever Cactus. All text, images, artwork, photographs and design remains the copyright of Clever Cactus. This includes the concepts, graphics, illustrations and any other design elements and ideas published under our copyright.

We reserve the right to change our policy at any time. As always, you can contact us at any time with questions… or even to just say hello!